Saturday, December 31, 2011

Let Bygones be Bygones

It can be so hard to let go...even when what we're attempting to let go is harmful to our growth and advancement.  It is because we are creatures of habit.  We are comfortable doing and experiencing what we are used to.  Naturally, we are weak in this area, but the good thing about life is that often times God will allow a storm to come into our lives --> and although it may seem invasive - a storm may be exactly what we need.  I am a firm believer that sometimes God will allow storms to come into our life to help rid us of things that we are not willing to give up on our own.  Just imagine a huge storm hitting your house.  Anything that does not have a solid foundation is going to fall, break or blow away.  That is precisely what we need to happen in our lives - we should want things without a solid foundation and people who aren't adding value to blow away.  The obstacle; however, is not to run after the very thing that has exited.  Let bygones be bygones because...

There is a season for everything in life.  Understanding this is one of the most difficult tasks we will face.  Often times when we form relationships, we don't form them anticipating the ending.  Despite our infinite thinking, many have endings.  Relationships have much to do with two people growing together.  When this growth doesn't happen in one person or when it happens at vastly different rates with the involved individuals - problems occur.  Life is too short for problems...

So, enter the new year with a made up mind. Don't live life by happenstance. Make a decision to live your life on purpose.  Do not waste time trying to make someone a priority who doesn't make you their priority.  Live a balanced life.  Set achievable goals.  Remind yourself of how valuable you are.  Never lose hope!

Out with the old - In with the new!


Love B. Loved

1 comment:

  1. Your post about a storm being exactly what is needed...I read once someone commenting on thanking God for the chaos in their lives. At this particular time, I thought I was drowning in chaos and I couldn't really understand that statement. But chaos is actually an opportunity to keep my relationship close to God, feel alive and also weed out the clutter, like you said, let it or them just blow away. Then we can find peace and order.
